BWRT - Online
Fast, effective solution for your anxiety issues

Believe it or not, your subconscious mind is just waiting for you to give it new instructions to banish your overwhelming feelings of anxiety, stress, anger, failure, rejection, grief, lack of sleep and many other unwanted emotional baggage which is making your life miserable and stopping you living the life you deserve.

BWRT is based on neuroscience and certainly is a unique 21st Century therapy which works directly with your subconscious mind and can make rapid changes to patterns in your brain that are causing the issues you wish to resolve.
All you have to do is think about how you would like to feel instead of how you usually feel about the problem, your subconscious mind takes care of the rest.

Welcome, together we can resolve your destructive cycle of negative thoughts or feelings or behaviour in a matter of few therapy sessions, by using powerful modern therapy BWRT.

Remember the more you try to resist feeling of anxiety the worse it gets.
Anxiety is about NOW not to be stacked for the future.

Please contact me only if you WANT a success outcome.

Now What?
Call/Text : 07721 955871 for a Free 20minutes Complimentary Consultation- no obligation chat, then decide your next move.
Alternatively before you invest in therapy, take a few minutes to look at the video below.

anxiety  imageanxiety  image
Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT®) is a Revolutionary Online Quick-Fix Therapy for Anxiety Issues.

‘BWRT®’ stands for ‘BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®’, a modern model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI. It uses a totally logical, practical and down-to-earth working method in which it’s not necessary for you to talk about anything you would rather not discuss – the practitioner only needs to know how you feel and how you would prefer to feel instead. BWRT® is unlike any other therapy you might have heard of or read about, using the latest discoveries in neuroscience coupled with your own unique brain processes to help you get better. Only Certified Practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT® and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code. Find out more at

Benefits of BWRT®

BWRT® is Fast and Effective, especially suited for online therapy treating various anxiety issues, stress, mild depression, PTSD, Anger, Fears, Phobias, Exam nerves and many more emotional and unwanted habits.

BWRT® is grounded approach in science, gives an added advantage of resolving most anxiety issues within 4-5 sessions and complex issues within 8-10 sessions. Which means less time spent in therapy, so saving you money.

BWRT® is already used by a handful of NHS psychologist in the UK to help treat a wide range of psychological issues and also currently under trial by NHS Psychologist.

Further information can be found on  F.A.Q page: Questions about BWRT®
Submit the online form and arrange your Free Complimentary Session, before you decide. Alternatively
Contact; 07721 955871
Further information can be found on

Your Anxiety Therapist

Helping You To Find a Solution

Hello, my name is Dhajinder l'm BWRT Practitioner/Hypnotherapist and part time Nurse Practitioner

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Read positive reviews of clients who have benefited from BWRT/Psychotherapy with Satya Therapy

 " l have been having anger issues for quite a while now. l had tried many different types of therapy but they did not work out for me. l tried BWRT and within few weeks l was feeling a lot calmer and being more relaxed with situations that would usually make me feel angry. Thank you Dhajinder " 


 " Hi Dhajinder. I have just got back. Well your treatment certainly has helped. I drove to Ipswich and to Brentwood on my own. After 30 years of never even attempting to drive that far l am so pleased l have done what l have done over the past couple of days. You're a genius. Thanks so much " 

General Practitioner

 " I wanted to let you know how much my treatment has had a positive impact on my life. The issues affecting my relationships, not only with others since childhood but also with myself. I have noticed that I don't really think about the issues that once dominated every thought l had. Thanks you so much. " 

Yoga Teacher

 " A quick message just to say thank you for all your help with me earlier in the year. A really tough one for me & you helped greatly, so really appreciated. Merry Xmas and a very Happy New Year " 


 " I want to thank you for using Reiki to sell my house. For months we had no viewing let alone an offer. That changed when you did Reiki. Thank you Reiki" 


 " l use the sleep technique you taught me, so simple- just wish l had came across this technique years ago. Thank you" 


 " never having had any kind of counselling before, l didn't know what to expect but Dhajinder soon put me at ease. She taught me coping mechanism before l underwent chemotherapy. She teaches you how to draw on personal experiences which makes the exercises very relatable and her explanations of how the brain works are valuable lessons for life! I'v finished all treatment now and coped far better than l ever thought l would. Thanks you Dhajinder". 

Ruth -ex cancer patient.

 " I have experienced flight anxiety for over 20 years and this has impacted on my mental health and wellbeing. Dhajinder discussed the benefits of BWRT and I was open to a non medication approach to dealing with my anxiety. Getting to the source of the anxiety and replacing it with positive thoughts has been life changing for me. For the first time in 20 years my flight anxiety was gone, even when I tried to think about the flight I was just numb with no panic. I can’t recommend Dhajinder approach, professionalism and holistic approach to anxiety enough. Amazing treatment from an amazing practitioner ". 

Fiona Baldwin

 " Hi Dhajinder. l hope you're well. l just wanted to say that l went to Harry Styles concert there was 100000 people there and l had the most wonderful time and didn't have one bit of anxiety. Thank you so much your a miracle worker. l would never have done that without your help and amazing BWRT Therapy. My daughter had a wonderful time too which is the main thing. Can't thank you enough xx " 

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To enquire about any of my services, please get in touch by completing this contact form. Alternatively, call or text me on 07721955871 or send an email

  • 6 Upper King Street, Norwich, UK

Apologies - presently not taking new clients 13/05/2025

Apologies- presently not taking on new clients from 13/05/2024

This is a frequent question l get asked. There is no doubt that most of us will experience anxiety of sorts at some stage in life and equally manage to overcome it. However the problem arises when feelings of anxiety, worry or intense emotions can't be shaken off and starts to interfere with your everyday life such as job, relationship, school or social interactions. This is when you may need professional guidance either from your doctor or a trained/certified Psychotherapist.

Satya Therapy offers BWRT, hypnotherapy, Coaching and Psychotherapy services in East Anglia.

1. What is Brain Working Recursive Therapy or BWRT® ?
This is a one-to-one short term talking therapy aimed to quickly and in some cases permanently change or reprogram your reactions to emotional or habitual triggers, through the power of your thought alone.

2. Is BWRT® same as Hypnotherapy ?
No. BWRT is seen as a new type of therapy like Hypnotherapy or EMDR. Many Hypnotherapist can also be trained and offer BWRT

3. Do I have to talk about the past?
No. BWRT® is unique in that many other therapies involve you to describe past events in detail, which might be distressing for some. BWRT is not content based, it's more of a brain training process. So you can choose how much or little you want to share with your therapist.
In other words you don’t have to share anything with the practitioner that you don’t want to, you just need to be able to describe how you are feeling and how you would rather feel instead.

4. What happens in a BWRT® session?

The practitioner will ask you relevant details about what your presenting issue with and what outcome you want to achieve.
Once you have identified what you want to work on, the practitioner will ask you to close your eyes and will talk you through different visualising and sensing processes, and you simply follow the simple instructions as best you can. You will be asked to picture the situation that upset you, the way you would have preferred the situation to go and feel - picturing your self in an ideal future. This preferred response will come from your own mind unlike other therapies where the therapist often determines how you should be feeling. 
The practitioner will be quickly talking about different parts of your brain lighting up and so on . There is no doubt that it might sound and feel strange, but there is an exact order and speed to all of it that gets below conscious thought. Your new preferred response becomes part of your new neural network leading to lasting and rapid results. You are fully conscious during the therapy, no hypnosis used. You will be in total control at all times. You are simply guided to change the way you respond to unpleasant memories or experiences removing emotion, using your own thoughts and powerful inner resources. 

5. Does BWRT®  work for everyone, every time?

Unfortunately there is not one therapy in the world that can claim to work every single time… but BWRT® is one that delivers results !

Please note ; BWRT follows strict guidelines, which involves in most cases writing to your doctor for any contra-indications to this therapy.



In simple terms, Psychotherapy is commonly known as 'talking therapy'.
I often inform my clients that unlike medical treatments, whereby a
physician examines the patient, provides a diagnosis, and prescribes medications, psychotherapy requires collaborative effort of the client and the professionally trained therapist to talk through, identify and change troubling thoughts, emotions, or behaviors that can affect your well-being. In mild cases such as anxiety, psychotherapy alone may be effective at managing such conditions. However, more severe cases of mental illness or disorder, may require additional drug therapy for proper treatment by your doctor.

Based in East Anglia, Satya Therapy offers BWRT and Psychotherapy which can be provided in both one-on-one settings or within group settings. Both of these formats provide benefits during the treatment process.

There are numerous types of psychotherapies available and your trained psychotherapist may have specialised in one or more approaches and normally uses a combination of therapies depending on your particular situation and preference to determine which approach may be best for your outcome.
Regardless which type of therapy you choose, be prepared to experience some challenges. Talking about your mental health symptoms and your personal thoughts and feelings with a stranger can be difficult, but you may find it gets better with time and practice.

Certainly, I tell my clients it's not necessary to understand all the different types of therapies, importantly to make sure that the therapist they choose is the right one for them.

1. Behavioral Psychotherapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), this approach is based on the principle that all types of behaviors are learned and that unhealthy or harmful behaviors can be changed. It focuses on exploring the reasons behind the development of both normal and abnormal behaviors in a person. Subtle guidance is given by the therapist, who guides the client to identify unhealthy, negative beliefs and behaviors and replace them with healthy, positive ones. This type of therapy is often used to treat individuals with Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder and Anxiety Disorders.

2. The Psychodynamic and psychoanalysis therapy approach explores unconscious feelings or thoughts and the impact of the past on the present. It is the oldest type of psychotherapy and closest to what Freud created. Hypnotherapy and Hypnoanalysis falls into this category. Psychoanalysis focuses on uncovering the unconscious roots of a person’s symptoms and helps them apply this understanding to their life. Psychoanalysis involves long term, anything up to 12 weeks and It may focus narrowly on a particular issue or symptom a person is having which has had wide impact on the clients life.

3. Integrative or Holistic psychotherapy is a approach taken by Satya Therapy and most other therapist. Holistic therapy addresses the mind, body, and spirit to support health and wellbeing, by blending elements from different psychotherapy approaches and tailor the treatment according to each client's needs. This approach to therapy, sees the person as a whole, integrated person. For example, Holistic psychotherapy recognizes that depression is a symptom. Anxiety or depression might feel like the problem but it's really a message that tells the client that they are suffering an imbalance somewhere in the self. Just like pain is the red light that signals you to stop and find out the cause. Holistic therapy is often “client-centered,”. Types of holistic therapy include yoga, meditation, breathing and Reiki.

4. Reiki, a Japanese form of energy healing, involves a person sitting or lying down. The practitioner may place their hands gently on or above the client’s body to free energy that can get stuck during periods of prolonged stress or trauma.  Reiki brings about a powerful sense of peace and calmness to your mind. Especially beneficial prior to having surgery, post operatively, terminal conditions and grief. The client does not need to believe in Reiki to have the treatment, nor is it a religious belief. Amazingly, Reiki can also be delivered 'long distance' via telephone, on your photograph, any personal items, your intention written on a piece of paper. Reiki energy can also be given to your unwell or sick animals.

5. Transpersonal psychotherapy is a talk therapy. This approach of therapy not only treats the emotional aspect of your issue but also address the spiritual aspect of your life that needs healing. Spiritual can mean anything you want to call, anything which is part of yourself that connects you to everything else. Meditation, Yoga and Mindfulness are influenced by this approach.

There is a wide range of different types of psychotherapy, most overlap and yet each offers a unique approach to help you achieve your goals.

If you have any questions about Satya Therapy’s approaches include, BWRT, hypnotherapy, Mind-Body Medicine, Life Coaching, OldPain2Go and Reiki in East Anglia, and online, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Free 20-Minute Phone Consultation


Satya Therapy provide free 30 minute phone consultations so that we can learn more about your presenting problem and how we can help. We also want you to be able to ask questions and make an informed decision about treatment before investing any money into the process.

Initial Session

Satya Therapy will schedule a 60 minute session will be scheduled. This session is about gathering important personal and medical history, detailed information regarding your current challenges, and create a bespoke client centred treatment plan. Throughout the therapy there will be regular evaluation of progress towards achieving your goals.Clients are advised to read terms and conditions and privacy policy for Satya Therapy.

Depending on your presenting issue and therapy goals, therapy can last 3-8 sessions

Individual Sessions
Satya Therapy offer individually tailored treatment plans to meet the needs of the client. Most sessions last 50-60 minutes at a time. Its recommended you have a session every two weeks until completion of goals.
Session either face to face or via Zoom Link

Group Sessions
Satya Therapy offers tailored treatment plan to meet the needs of groups of 5-8 people at a time. Session last for 60 minutes at a time and recommend weekly sessions. Recommend at least 4-6 sessions.
Sessions either face to face in a large room or via Zoom Link

Working Hours; Monday to Friday
Open; 8am to 6pm
Closed weekends and BH

If you have any questions about Satya Therapy’s approaches to therapy including: BWRT, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy services in East Anglia and online, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Hypnotherapy or guided hypnosis is a form of talking therapy that helps you taps into the learnt programmes in your mind which maybe causing you to have, psychological distress, destructive or unhealthy behaviour such as unexplained fears, phobias, anxiety, worries, depression, addiction, OCD, weight issues and various other emotional issues
While in this concentrated and relaxed state or “hypnotic trance,” you can openly and safely explore painful, traumatic, and repressed memories that tend to be “hidden” from the conscious mind.
While “under hypnosis,” you becomes more “open” to the suggestions and guidance. As a result able to make positive changes in your life.

It's important to know that although you're more open to suggestion during hypnosis, you don't lose control over your behavior.
This form of therapy often focuses on a single issue and works with the clients imagination and unconscious mind to help bring positive changes to their presenting issue, thoughts, feeling or behaviour.

Satya Therapy offers a Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, which involves a joint process and it is important to understand that change happens because you the client WANT it and because you are prepared to take the necessary steps to allow it to happen.

Since hypnotherapy often involves working with one issue at a time, the therapy works incredibly quickly; most people suffering from anxiety and or mild depression disorders can expect relief of symptoms and feel back to their real selves again within 4-8 sessions or less. Treatments of simple fears and phobias take 3 sessions and smoking cessation is a single 2 hour session.

If you are located around the Norfolk or Norwich area, in-person sessions may work best for you. The aim of Satya Therapy is to help the client to become self empowered with the realization that even during state of trance, you are at all times remain in control.
The benefits hypnotherapy is widely acknowledged by medical professionals both in the UK and around the globe.
Ever wondered why it's so hard to break a habit when you know that it’s not good for you?
The answer is simple, you're experiencing a tug of war between the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious part of your mind is where logic resides, rational decision making, and willpower. Most of us are not aware that this part of your mind makes up only about 20% of our total brainpower. The remaining 80% is ALL happening on a subconscious level.
If you're struggling to change a behavior or habit, it's because at a subconscious level there is a reason for keeping it.

Over the years numerous research from the field of neuroscience and psychiatry has shown that in order to change an unhealthy habit we have to build positive associations to a new behavior at the subconscious level, first. This is where hypnotherapy and hypnosis comes in, using relaxation techniques, imagery and the power of suggestion, hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool to “reprogram our subconscious mind".

To do this, a certified hypnotist or hypnotherapist guides you into a deep state of relaxation (trance), after collaboration with you, the hypnotist will make suggestions designed to help you become more open to change or therapeutic improvement.

The answer " does hypnotherapy work "? - like any other therapy it only works if you are prepared to make the commitment and WANT change to happen.

Reiki is linked to a wide range physical and emotional health benefits, below are just a few examples:
  • Reiki’s calming effects can reduce anxieties, stress and so improve mood.
  • Reiki helps the body return to a state of relaxation, which allows it to potentially speed up heal from damage brought on by stress, injury, or disease.  
  • Reiki can expedite the body’s natural healing ability reducing the recovery periods that follow surgeries and injuries.
  • Relaxed state of mind allows for better sleep.
  • Significant studies point to Reiki helping with pain management, especially with long-term conditions 
  • Reiki goes to the core of imbalances embedded within our bodies to bring about balance
  • Reiki’s gentle energies is well known to provide comfort during period of grief. It helps the grief process run its course in a calmer or less painful way.
  • Reiki will treats emotional wounds and memories that are we carry.
  • Reiki assists us in letting go of the negative aspects within our lives that causes us misery. 
  • Reiki releases toxins. clearing our bodies of impurities and stagnant energies.
As a Reiki Master, l am here to help you with any questions you might have.